Old Fashioned Cooking
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Located in the heart of Paris is a cookery store called E. Dehillerin that can only be described as a cook’s dream. A family run business that dates back to 1820, this beautiful store is definitely one of my favourites in Paris. The original interiors still remain and give one the feeling of stepping back in time. An old fashioned window display invites you into another world.
Every time my parents come to Paris, we always make a point of visiting. The quality of their stock is fantastic and inexpensive.
E. Dehillerin does not appear to have changed much over the years. Lining the walls as you enter the store are traditional French copper pots and a wooden stairs that lead down to a cellar filled with over sized cooking equipment that would excite any lover of professional cuisine. Every cooking gadget imaginable are displayed in open drawers and pots and pans are arranged on old shelves. A creaky wooden floor with high ceilings adds to the atmosphere.
Sales personnel are very helpful with advice and each purchase is carefully wrapped in brown paper. The colourful and wide-ranging clientele add a real charm to the store. Among its regular customers was the famous Julia Child.
For anyone visiting Paris, I would highly recommend a visit. It is not any ordinary cookery store.
I hope you enjoy!
Located at 18-20 Rue Coquillière in the first district of Paris and here is the website for any interested readers: www.edehillerin.fr. I have a feeling you won’t be disappointed.