Les Passages de Paris

Wandering through the Parisian arcades is like taking a step back to la belle époque. Mainly dating back to the 19th century, they house unique boutiques and fantastic window displays. For anyone in search of a different view of Paris or to simply get away from the tourists, these little passages are right up your alley.
Pictured above is Passage du Grand-Cerf. In here, you will find some intriguing places that specialize in one certain craft or a boutique where anything of the extraordinary can be found. Tip: This passage is also great if you are in search of apartment decoration ideas. The boutique pictured above is called Rickshaw, a decidedly eccentric French hardware store. Here is their website for anyone interested in taking a peep: www.rickshaw.fr. Pictured below can be useful for those of the knitting club, a yarn store called Lil Weasel. With an eye-catching window display of colour, this one is especially good for gift ideas as well as cosy additions for the home. Here is their website: www.lilweasel.com
Located on 125 Rue Saint-Denis, it is definitely worth a visit. Book enthusiasts keep reading.
For any book lovers out there, Galerie Vivienne is for you. Pictured below is the window display you are greeted with at the entrance. Isn’t it gorgeous? Take a step further inside the arcade to find Librairie Jousseaume on the corner, just waiting for you to rummage through. The charming appearance of this bookstore has a look as if it has not changed in years.
Galerie Véro-Dodat is a beautiful passage to walk through with its checked floors and vintage feel. Located close to the Louvre, it houses mostly art galleries and high end retailers. These galleries are also a good place to spot the true Parisian.
I often seem to stumble upon these covered arcades by chance and I always leave with a feeling of nostalgia.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.